Caraíva: a preserved paradise
© Photo: Rio de Caraíva
Caraíva remembers the city of Porto Seguro twenty years ago! The roads are still made out of sand and free of cars. During the day, tourists enjoy the sound of waves breaking on the endless beaches and when the night falls, thousands of stars light up the dark blue sky. Only recently was installed electricity in this small village.
This small fisherman village is located about 70 kilometers of Porto Seguro. The difficult access helped to preserve this little paradise, where it seems that time has stood still. Fishermen throw their nets, women wash their clothes in the river and the indians of the Pataxó tribe create their art works made out of wood and coconut.
The city seems to be divided by a lovely river on one side and astonishing beaches protected by coconut trees on the other side. North of Caraíva are located the beaches of Espelho and Curuípe, two of the most beautiful beaches of Bahia.
If you want to spend your holidays in a place where peace, tranquility and romance are the main ingredients, then let Caraíva seduce you!